Our Vision and Values

Our Vision

Our vision for our Nursery’s work with children and families is to aspire to…

Child Development
  • Create a culture where adults and children are working and thinking together in order to learn more.
  • Children are supported and challenged by adults to develop a love of learning which inspires them to take pride in their achievements and build strong foundations for the future.
Community Partnerships
  •  Build strong lasting relationships with all partners who work in our locality.
  • We are committed to sharing our expertise and learning from others in a two way process that ensures that services offered have a positive impact on all.
Family Health
  • Promote a holistic approach to children and family health with Health professionals.
  • We recognise the power of information, advice and support in helping families make choices that will lead to strong, active, happy and healthy children.
Family Involvement & Engagement
  • Ensure that parents and carers play an active role in the planning and evaluation of services.
  • We recognise some individuals/groups are often not heard and we are committed with our partners, to both reaching and removing barriers to participation for all.
Family Wellbeing
  • We recognise that from conception, the emotional, physical and mental well-being of the whole family is crucial in realising the child’s full potential.
  • We will work in partnership with families to ensure that advice and guidance productively reduces risk and promotes safety and positive relationships.
Family Aspiration
  • Ensure that all adults within our community have equal access to the information, support and advice that can remove barriers to employment and training.
  • To provide the shoulder, ear and helping hand that creates both opportunities and informed choices for families.

Our Values

We are committed to this set of values which shapes how we work. We expect everyone to be …

  • Professional at all times, using our knowledge and expertise to consistently perform to the highest standards, in a manner that is respectful and courteous to all.
  • Approachable and open minded at all times, in order to ensure that we can make a difference.
  • Reflective consistently looking to improve
  • Supportive, while ensuring that challenge is viewed as a positive approach to improving what we do and how we do it, and not avoid difficult conversations with children, parents, partners and each other
  • Trusting and trustworthy, treating others in way which is equitable, consistent and fair.
  • Non-judgemental ensuring that we listen carefully and demonstrate empathy consistently in all interactions.
  • Enthusiastic and passionate about children and families.
  • Resilient to ongoing change ensuring that we retain a positive approach to all that we do.
  • Supportive, while ensuring that challenge is viewed as a positive approach to improving what we do and how we do it, and not avoid difficult conversations with children, parents, partners and each other
Brent Specialist Centre Early Years Foundation Stage