Governing Board

As maintained schools our Governing Board has many important legal responsibilities. Our Governing Board comprises of…

  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 6 Co-opted Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 1 Associate Governor
  • 2 Staff Governors

Click here to see the current Governing Board profiles.

Please click here for the timetable of Governing Board Meetings for the year 2021-22.

If you would to know more about the work of Governors, including the commitment we require, please click here.

Whilst we always welcome any interested parties to support our work, there are established processes for joining the Governing Board.

If you are a member of a local political party, then you are a potential LA Governor
If you are a parent or a member of our local community with an interest in our work and a desire to make a difference to children and families, please enquire with our Governors Clerk Lillian Caller at
Even if the elected spaces are taken, we welcome Associate Governors to join us. Associate Governors fulfil almost all of the same functions as full Governors; you attend meetings, committees and access training. The only clear difference is that Associate Governors do not vote.

When we have vacancies, they will be clearly displayed in this section of our website.

Brent Specialist Centre Early Years Foundation Stage